The price of Bitcoin slipped by over 4% Thursday morning alongside the wider crypto market, amid a broader trend of risk-off sentiment among investors. Per data from CoinGecko, Bitcoin dropped by 4% to around $58,500, while Ethereum shed 3.8% to around $2,630. The total market capitalization of all cryptocurrencies fell in lockstep, contracting by 4.4% to $2.1 trillion. The market downturn followed Wednesday’s Consumer Price Index (CPI) report from the Labor Department, which showed a 0.2% incre...
Binance Registers With India's FIU After Paying $2.25 Million Fine
Crypto exchange Binance has registered with India's Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU) as a reporting entity, after settling a $2.25 million fine with the agency earlier in the year. Binance CEO Richard Teng described the registration as an "important milestone" for the exchange in a statement shared with Decrypt, adding that "this alignment with Indian regulations allows us to tailor our services for Indian users." In a blog post, Binance announced that its app and website are now "fully availab...
Confiction Labs Launches 'Proof of Exposure' to Combat Rising Bot Activity in Web3 Gaming
Confiction Labs, the developer behind the Web3 co-op multiplayer shooter Riftstorm, has introduced a new in-game verification system aimed at curbing what it views as increasing bot activity in the sector. The initiative, dubbed "Proof of Exposure," integrates non-fungible tokens into the game's lore as a method to distinguish genuine players from automated bot accounts. The move comes as Web3 games grapple with a rising bot problem, with a recent report from marketing platform Cookie3 suggesti...
Senator Schumer Vows to Pass Crypto Regulation This Year in Bid to Win Over Voters
Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY), majority leader in the U.S. Senate, speaking during a digital town hall meeting on Wednesday, vowed to pass crypto legislation by the end of the year. “I believe Washington cannot just look away from crypto, stick our heads in the sand, and do nothing,” Schumer said during the Crypto4Harris livestream. “My goal is to get something passed out of the Senate and into law by the end of the year, and I believe we can make that happen.” Failing to act, he explained, would “r...
Conflicting Laws Keep Flying Cars Grounded, Says Samson Sky CEO
While navigating regulatory hurdles is nothing new for the cryptocurrency industry, it is an especially stiff challenge in the much older and vital air and ground transportation space. And while people have demanded flying cars for decades, even companies building them today are stymied. Flying cars are edging toward the mainstream in the U.S., however, with the passage of new state-level regulations allowing private ownership of these versatile crafts, including the so-called ‘Jetsons Law’ in M...
Bitcoin Miner Marathon Digital's Stock Jumps After Buying $250 Million in BTC
Top American Bitcoin miner Marathon Digital’s (NASDAQ: MARA) stock is up Thursday after the firm followed through on an announcement earlier this week that it would raise $250 million and invest it into the leading cryptocurrency. MARA was trading up over 7% and priced at $16.25 at midday Eastern Time, according to Nasdaq data. But over the past month, its stock has taken a hit and is down nearly 34%. Marathon said late Wednesday that it indeed purchased about $249 million worth of Bitcoin, or...
As Restaking Takes Shape on Solana, Ethereum's Renzo Jumps in With 'ezSOL'
Liquid restaking protocol Renzo, known for its work on Ethereum-based projects like EigenLayer and Symbiotic, disclosed Wednesday that it's preparing a new liquid staking toke...